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Lecture with Urban Fredriksson - Vaxholm bathing establishment

  • Hembygdsgården 19 Trädgårdsgatan Vaxholm, Stockholm County, 185 32 Sweden (see map)

Lecture with Urban Fredriksson - Vaxholm bathing establishment

Come and listen to Urban talking about Waxholms Badanstalt 1851 to 1910. He will tell you about the buildings, who ran the bathing establishment and about the bathing guests. You will also hear about what kind of baths they offered and how the bathing society enjoyed themselves in the society house, in addition to the pastry shop, Swiss and basement restaurant and about Badhusparken, which was the amusement park in Vaxholm at the time. 

Hembygdsgården museum is open 17.00 - 19.00 

Where: Hembygdsgården
Time: 17.30 - 18.30
Age: From 12 years

Ticket required. Pick up your ticket from September 30 at the Tourist Office, 08-541 314 80 or the Library, 08-541 709 45

October 11th

Film workshop in animation with the Educational Design Agency

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October 11th

Bram Stoker's THE JUDGE'S HOUSE with Anthony Charles Heads