Lecture with Urban Fredriksson - Vaxholm bathing establishment

Lecture with Urban Fredriksson - Vaxholm bathing establishment

Come and listen to Urban talking about Waxholms Badanstalt 1851 to 1910. He will tell you about the buildings, who ran the bathing establishment and about the bathing guests. You will also hear about what kind of baths they offered and how the bathing society enjoyed themselves in the society house, in addition to the pastry shop, Swiss and basement restaurant and about Badhusparken, which was the amusement park in Vaxholm at the time. 

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School of Culture student concert and award of the Vaxholm Culture Scholarship 2024

School of Culture student concert and award of the Vaxholm Culture Scholarship 2024

A wonderful concert with the students of the cultural school and the awarding of this year's cultural scholarship by the chairman of the TFK committee Bengt Sandell. If any of this year's scholarship recipients are in music, we may also be invited to a sample of their work.

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