Destination Vaxholm
Together we develop Vaxholm all year round
Destination Vaxholm is an economic association. Here, businesses, associations, property owners and the City of Vaxholm work together to develop Vaxholm into an even stronger visitor destination, all year round.
Together with our members and the City of Vaxholm, we promote Vaxholm as a destination - including through our joint visitor website destinationvaxholm.se - and organize a number of annual events such as Easter Parade, Archipelago Boat Day, Midsummer Celebration, Archipelago Market and Christmas Market.
We also work together to develop Vaxholm as a conference destination and are an arena where companies and organizations can meet and develop new offers and business opportunities.
Do you also want to join? Welcome as a member!
We are happy to have both companies, property owners and associations as members and that together we represent a large part of Vaxholm's public offer.
- A -
- B -
Bland Kobbar & Skär
Blomsterinspiratören i Waxholm
Bogesundslandets Ryttare
Bryggan på Tenö
- C -
Catch & Relax
Cederström Design
Camille's Garden
- E -
- F -
Fredriksborg Hotell
Företagarna Vaxholm
- G -
Gateau Vaxholm
- H -
- I -
IK Waxholm
- K -
KatthemmetKatthemmet i Vaxholm
- L -
Lift Foils AB Sweden
Lilla Handelsboden
Lions Club Vaxholm
- M -
Marie Moquist Konsult & Värdekreatör
Maritid HB
Mathantverkstan i Skärgården
Mingel i Vaxholm
- O -
Out Seglingsevenemang
- R -
Resarö Blomverkstad
Resarö Vävstuga
- S -
Sjömacken Vaxholm
Skarpö Konsult
Skärgårdens Kanotcenter
Syrran & Jag
- T -
Trädgårdsvision Waxholm AB
- V -
Vaxholms Bed & Breakfast
Vaxholms Biografteaters vänner
Vaxholms Biograf
Vaxholms Civilförsvarsförening
Vaxholms Fästnings Museum
Vaxholms Församling
Vaxholm Harbour Bed & Experiences
Vaxholms Hembygdsförening
Vaxholms Hembygdsgårds café
Vaxholms Kastell
Vaxholms Tennisklubb
Vaxholm Yogacenter
Vision of Stockholm
- W -
Waxholms Bryggeri
Waxholms Camping
Waxholms Choklad
Waxholms Folkdansgille
Waxholms Hamn
Waxholms Konståkningsklubb
Waxholms Orienteringsklubb
Waxholms Scoutkår
Waxholms Sport & Fritid
Winbergs Kök & Bar
In addition to the members above, the City of Vaxholm is also active in the organization through two seats in the Destination Vaxholm steering group. The City of Vaxholm also contributes financially to the organization.
10 benefits as a member
Opportunity to promote your business and current events on destinationvaxholm.se
Marketing in Destination Vaxholm's social media
Influence the events and activities that take place during the year and have the opportunity to participate and promote their own activities during the events
Collaboration with other member companies for a stronger offer
Help with packaging and product development of your offers
Benefit from continuous marketing and PR that attracts visitors to Vaxholm all year round
Access to ready-made marketing materials for joint events and activities that you can use in your own channels
Invitation to networking breakfasts where you can broaden your network and create new collaborations
Increased power in your own marketing when the Vaxholm brand is strengthened
A contact for questions relating to the conditions for the tourism industry in the Vaxholm area.
How do I become a member?
To become a member, please fill in the application form below and email it to kassor@destinationvaxholm.com. We will get back to you shortly with a confirmation. You will also receive an invoice for the membership fee for the current year.
How much does it cost?
Destination Vaxholm's work is financed 50% by its members and 50% by the City of Vaxholm. Members are divided into four categories - those active in the tourism industry, companies in other industries, associations and property owners. The fee varies from SEK 500 for non-profit associations to a maximum of SEK 15,000 for the largest tourism businesses. On the information page of the application form, you can calculate how much the fee will be for your business. You can also find the association's statutes there.
Do you have any questions? Email to info@destinationvaxholm.com
Board and steering group
Destination Vaxholm's work is led by a steering group consisting of a Destination Vaxholm board and representatives from Vaxholm City.
The person hired for Destination Vaxholm's events is also co-opted to the steering group in connection with the events. All events and activities are then carried out together with our member companies/associations and others who benefit from a successful event.
Board of Directors 2024
Krister Ek, chairman, coordinator for property owners.
Matthias Hamilton, Hamnkrogen, treasurer
Thérèse Liljekvist, Waxholms Hotell, coordinator for accommodation and restaurant
Anna Knutola, Waxholms Choklad, coordinator shop group
Milena Niescior, Skärgårdens kanotcenter, coordinator activity company
Jakob Wallin, Strömma / Vaxholms kastell, marketing
Christian Lundblad, Vaxholms Biograf, coordinator culture
Linda Herngren Wahlström, Vaxholms Bed & Breakfast
Mimmi Grönkvist, Out Seglingsevenemang
Pontus Löthfors, Fredriksborg Hotell & Restaurang
Steering group representatives from the City of Vaxholm
Mikaela Lodén, Business Development Manager
Ulrika Danneman, Vaxholm Tourist Office
For minutes of the Board meetings, email info@destinationvaxholm.com