Ytterby mine
World record in elements
Ytterby mine, at Ytterbyvägen on Resarö, is one of Vaxholm's most hidden world celebrities. No less than seven elements have been discovered in the mine over the years, which is the most in the world. The site attracts many geologists and even the Nobel Prize winners in chemistry usually make an annual visit before the official award ceremony.
Today, the mouth of the 170-meter deep mine shaft is blocked. Visitors are instead greeted by a commemorative sign and a stunning view of the bay.
Ytterby mine, at Ytterbyvägen on Resarö, is one of Vaxholm's most hidden world celebrities. No less than seven elements have been discovered in the mine over the years, which is the most in the world. The site attracts many geologists and even the Nobel Prize winners in chemistry usually make an annual visit before the official award ceremony.
Today, the mouth of the 170-meter deep mine shaft is blocked. Visitors are instead greeted by a commemorative sign and a stunning view of the bay.
Gandolin's unique find
In 1787, Lieutenant Carl Axel Arrhenius, working at the Vaxholm garrison, found a heavy black stone at Ytterby mine. The stone was sent to a number of prominent chemists for analysis. Professor Johan Gadolin, working at the University of Turku, found that 38% of the mineral was a new type of soil and completed his analysis in 1794. To honor the memory of Johan Gadolin, the mineral was named Gadolinite. In total, seven elements have been discovered in gandolite, making it world-famous among chemists as the place in the world where the most elements have been discovered in one place.
In 1989 Ytterby Mine was named Landmark of the Year by the American Society of Metals (ASM), which annually recognizes historic landmarks. A commemorative plaque from ASM is displayed at the mine mouth. It can also be pointed out that Sweden as a country holds the world record for the number of elements discovered. No less than 23 of the 118 elements in the periodic table have been discovered by Swedes. Seven of them here, at Ytterby.
Elements in Ytterby mine