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The big Scout Flea Market

Welcome to the flea market!

The Scouts' big flea market takes place on May 25 at 9-15 at Rådhustorget in Vaxholm. You can find toys, clothes, ornaments, books, household goods, sports equipment, lamps and much more.

When you shop, you support the Scouts' activities for children and young people in Vaxholm. 

If you want to donate stuff, we gratefully accept things that are not too big and heavy. It is possible to leave at our scout room at Björkstigen 7 between May 7 & 21. We will also knock on doors in parts of Vaxön during week 20.

Organizer: Waxholms Scoutkår

24 May

Roslagen Chamber Music Festival

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25 May

Author meeting with Cecilia Moldén